Strategic Planning
The Strategic Planning process is usually implemented through workshops, individual and group meetings, and it is always supported by a specific methodology and dynamic adapted to the needs and size of the organization.
The Strategic Planning process:
Establish or review the organization Mission(purpose) and Values;
Create and agree on the Vision - where the organization want to go within 3 to 5 years - and quantify that vision;
Careful analyse the organization weaknesses and strengths, the market and the environment in which it operates, and consolidate all conclusions in a SWOT analysis – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats;
Define annual Objectives and Strategies for 1 or 2 organization levels, aligned and integrated;
Determine Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Targets for Objectives and Strategies, in order to track if the organization is going towards the Vision. Use the SMART concept (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time specific);
Build a Strategy Map and a Balanced Scorecard to manage the execution process, helping to monthly monitor each KPI established in the previous item;
Review and establish the necessary Strategic Initiatives to execute the strategy, as well as the resources to deploy them.

Key Benefits
Choose the best strategies to take the organization to the Vision;
Organization alignment and consensus on strategic priorities, with KPIs and clear targets for everyone;
Initiatives and resources allocation aligned with strategy;
Shared responsibilities, with individual commitments aligned with the organization strategic priorities.